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SLF Funding Criteria Expansion

ILPA is delighted to announce that we are expanding the remit of the Strategic Legal Fund from the 4th of February 2021.

Following a consultation process with SLF expert panel members, funders and ILPA trustees, a decision has been taken to remove the age limit of beneficiaries, currently young people under 25, to open the fund to migrants of all ages in the UK. This will bring into scope more issues which are experienced by migrant groups more generally and allow us to more pro-actively address emerging legal issues more effectively.
To ensure the impact of the work undertaken and details of the changes achieved reach the beneficiaries, front-line organisations and community groups to whom they are relevant, the fund will also expand the types of activities it supports and include legal advocacy and communications linked to the pre-litigation research or third-party intervention. This is particularly helpful in collaborative grants where law firms and community organisations work together.

The first SLF funding round of the expanded funding eligibility is now open, applications should be submitted by 5pm on the 25th of February. If you have any questions about the expanded funding eligibility or submitting an application please contact the SLFProject Manager Claire Tindale on