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Positive SLF evaluation

During 2012, the pilot phase of the Strategic Legal Fund was externally evaluated by independent consultancy, Firetail. Firetail sought views from organisations in the partnership, members of the Expert Panel, grantees, potential applicants and others in the field. They found that the SLF:

  • Provides essential additional funding in a sector facing significant cuts
  • Has a clear focus and responds swiftly to needs
  • Has a unique and valuable asset: the Expert Panel
  • Has a successful delivery model enhanced by the “impressive skills and experience” of its staff
  • Had already had a demonstrable impact including influence in the sector
  • Offers a successful model for achieving change

The evaluators recommended that:

  • The SLF should continue and organise an effective handover to new funders
  • The Fund should broaden its remit to include all migrant children and young people and should also consider extending to Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • the evidence and insights funded should be disseminated and shared
  • the Fund should consider whether to support a wider range of activities including possibly some litigation and also bringing people in the sector together to consider best approaches to securing strategic legal change.

The evaluation informed the SLF’s new expanded remit.

Download the external evaluation report.pdf