£400,000 available for strategic legal action
Trust for London and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, in partnership with Migration Work CIC, are providing £400,000 as part of the Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants.
Grants from the fund are available to NGOs and private law firms to undertake strategic legal work to benefit children and young people who are significantly disadvantaged by migration status.
This next stage of the Strategic Legal Fund was launched in December 2012, following the positive evaluation of a pilot funded by The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund. The findings of the evaluation report have also led to a widening of scope and remit of the £400,000 fund so that it now funds work that benefits:
- Young people under the age of 25 – previously limited to under 21s
- Any vulnerable young migrant – previously limited to refugee and asylum seeking children
The fund will accept applications in any area of law that affects vulnerable young migrants including: asylum, immigration, human rights, family law, community care, housing, education and mental health.
The SLF only funds two kinds of strategic legal action:
- pre-litigation research
- a “third party intervention” in an existing case
Find out more about what the SLF funds and how to apply to the SLF.
See what the SLF has previously funded.