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SLF grants result in legal challenges

A number of challenges have arisen from SLF grant funded work. These include challenges arising from:

  • Islington Law Centre's work on scoping out potential challenges to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012;
  • Child Poverty Action Group's (CPAG's) research into the delays faced by refugee families and young people in receiving a decision on their applications for social security benefits;
  • Islington Law Centre's research into the higher education fees charged to children with limited leave to remain in the UK, and their exclusion from statutory student support;
  • Deighton Pierce Glynn's work with The Children's Society on whether a local authority complies with its statutory duties towards migrant care leavers under the Children Act 1989.

Just for Kids Law successfully used work undertaken with its SLF grant to support an intervention by the Children's Commissioner in a case in the Court of Appeal. The judgement included important findings about the approach the criminal courts should take towards age assessment. For further information see CCLC's case law information note